Welcome to The Lyrical Underground!

The Lyrical Underground

The Lyrical Underground

When is The Lyrical Underground?

The Lyrical Underground with James Dilworth
Tuesdays, 8.00pm to 10.00pm open mic: poetry/spoken word artists/songwriters
Java Jungle Coffeeshop
246 West 1st St. (next to Riverside Century Theaters)

What is The Lyrical Underground?

Every Tuesday night poets and performers converge on Java jungle in Reno, Nevada, to share works and ideas. It is called The Lyrical Underground, TLU for short. Although it is run by a literary-style poet, the gamut of genres runs across the board excepting punchline-driven comedy. This night is about total freedom, but with freedom comes responsibility
  • We want to establish TLU as a powerful arena for focusing our art and learning about others. To ensure that this happens, we need to maintain an environment of respect for others. Hate rhetoric for any group of people is strictly forbidden.
  • We want to establish TLU as a place for all levels of artistic development, welcoming novices to veteran performance artists. Heckling comes with the territory, but unwarranted harassment interferes with our event and will be addressed. Also if you heckle, be prepared to up to the mic to speak!
  • As artists, we understand that content should not be compromised by context. However, we are sensitive to the needs of the venue hosting us and therefore at their request insist that performers withhold explicit language in the presence of children whenever they are present.
  • Drinks are half-off for all performers on the list.
  • There are typically 12-15 slots to fill a night.
  • Each slot can run up to ten minutes maximum.
  • Many nights have an opening act that runs twenty minutes. If you are interested in opening for The Lyrical Underground, send email to James Dilworth.
  • Many nights have a theme such as "Love Night" or "Awards Show Night." Participation in the theme is always voluntary.
  • We have a simple monthly email list to keep regulars up-to-date on TLU happenings. Write to James to get on it.

The Lyrical Underground was formerly hosted by Charles Francis and C Sharp

Click here for archived information on TLU, hosted by Charles Francis