and Friends
Chris Chen- writer
for all seasons and reasons.
Chris Odell- Fractal Video Productions, home of slackful production!
Ryan Stark- a man in black. A cool dude with great taste.
Design Parc- Reid Walley's creative hub.
Eyebox Graphics- Reid Walley's Business page
Deux Gros Nez- The BEST coffee in Reno and a great place to chill
Johann Sebastian Bach
Saint John Coltrane African Orthodox Church in San Francisco the premiere bootleg site!
All find out about all the music you can handle!
Medival English Stuff, Chaucer, Mallory, and such
Romance of the Three Kingdoms, one of the best novels ever written- free online!
Blackmask, a great e-text website!
Project Gutenburg e-texts. Great literature free for all!
Wikipedia, the open source encyclopedia
The Mystica, occult and metaphysical encyclopdia
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Ernie Kovacs
The Superficial- Gossip that's fun.
The Defamer- LA Gossip à go go
Pop Bitch- all the gossip fit to read on the internet
Apple Computer- the only computers
worth using
All about Mac OS X the best OS since the VIC-20
Mac Rumors? You're soaking in it!
Get Linux and get rid of M$ if your on a PC!
And while you're at it, get Mozilla or Firefox and use a great webbrowser!
Then dump M$ Office for NeoOffice, which is FREE as in beer! For Mac OS X only.
Need DreamWeaver but can't afford it? Try NVU instead! For Mac, Windows and Linux.
Slashdot- news for techno geeks
Other Stuff
Church of the Subgenius PRABOB!
Information Clearing House- News you won't see on CNN or anywhere American.
The Virtual Perpetual Calendar
Want to know about the Chinese Calendar?
History and Philosophy in one swoop
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