Non-Creative Garbage Presents

inverselypoetic four

A Web Portfolio of Writing and Pictures by James Dilworth

My Wire Collection

In a world full of split infinitives, you had to come to my gin joint? You know it's bad when you have to immediately update it. So here's some of my writing for your enjoyment. The Arts Complex and The Arts Sampler will soon be available here for purchase and download.

The Selected Oracles of Nostrdamus- a modern English translation of Nostradamus's poetry

It's Just TV- a look behind the scenes at a TV station

Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow- a piece about my religious beliefs

On Churches- a piece about the churches where I've found myself

Poetry and Short Stories Coming Soon!

Pictures Coming Soon!

Other Items

More Poetic nonsense ahead!

The Lyrical Underground- Historical Information

Non Creative Garbage- a literary magazine good enough for Reno

About the Author- coming soon


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